About The festival

We are a grassroots advocacy organization and festival based out of Anchorage, Alaska. Officially licensed by Seattle Hempfest since 2015.


At our all ages, family-friendly events we delve into a diverse array of topics crucial to Alaska's future. Our programming, workshops and discussion panels encompass:


Art, Music, Dance and Local Culture


Celebrating and integrating the arts and music into the festival experience. We especially try to show love to local talent, but also welcome visiting performers.


Education and Advocacy


Providing learning systems that entertain and educate the public on various topics, using hemp as a catalyst for conversations about greater political and economic issues,


Food Security for Alaskans


Exploring the reality of our local food supply chain, educating about farm to table systems and sustainable, appropriate Alaskan solutions to ensure all residents have access to nutritious food.


Industrial Hemp as a Catalyst for Local Manufacturing


Promoting industrial hemp's potential to strengthen local industries and boost economic development.


Environmental Concerns


Discussing pressing issues such as the impacts of trawling on marine ecosystems and advocating for responsible practices to protect our natural resources.


Economic Renewal and Authentic, Grassroots Sustainability


Exploring how hemp and related industries can effectively revitalize local economies and create opportunities for education, employment and entrepreneurship.


Nutrition, Health and Wellness


Educating the public on the health benefits of hemp as a food, and its potential role in wellness.


Legalization and Policy Reform


Discussing the legal landscape from international to Federal to State to local, and advocating for policy changes to support an equitable and accessible hemp industry.


Community Engagement


Providing a platform for local citizens, government agencies, politicians, and political organizations to reach out to voters on important issues that affect their lives and livelihoods.


Climate Change


Addressing the challenges of climate change and how sustainable practices, including hemp cultivation, can mitigate its effects.


Cultural Acceptance


Working to squash the stigma around hemp and to promote industrial hemp development in Alaska.


Innovative Products and Technology


Showcasing cutting-edge science, tech, and products.


With these discussions our aim is to empower small vendors, amplify voices from underserved and underrepresented Alaskan communities, and foster a more resilient and inclusive future for all.